Forums » Relationships in Recovery

My Take On Friendship

    • 15 posts
    February 18, 2022 5:01 PM EST

    My take of friendship


    Some people we call friends don't know us.


    Some people we attach ourselves too don't care about us.


    Some people we find a real connection with may be hurt themselves, so they lash out.


    Some people give unto others and expect more back.


    Some people can be our friend and we haven't accepted them yet.


    Some people don't know how to let anyone in.


    Some people never had a real friend before and don't know how to treat one.


    What kind of friend. Are you??


    I hope I am the kind of friend who:


    Shows compassion;

    Shares my empathy;

    Willing to hold your hand and give a hug and smile;

    Truly wants nothing from you other than the same.

    Anything else is a bonus!


    Shared interest;

    New ventures;

    True unconditional Love!

    I strive to be this kind of friend.


    • 8 posts
    February 22, 2022 1:15 AM EST
    Thank you for sharing your post! Great friends are hard to come by. And I dunno about you but I have some trust issues.
    This post was edited by Tach Groulx at February 22, 2022 1:16 AM EST