Forums » Struggling to Stay Sober

a struggle to maintain being humble

    • 13 posts
    February 19, 2022 11:52 AM EST

    All the troubles and constant confusion wakes me in the middle of the night like clockwork. The trembling, the nicotine patch nightmares, the tossing and the turning. The voices in my head telling me to go, telling me one nip is fine so long as I don't push it past that; but I always do, it’s never as simple as ‘just one’. Stuck in a cyclone of bad mistakes and personal regret, selfish decision making based on what I feel I need which is never how it really is. The way is hard and seldom traveled but its always important to know you’re never alone.

    • 34 posts
    February 20, 2022 10:18 AM EST

    Thank you for baring your soul to us Stephen! Your words are always written so eloquently expressing the struggles we deal with on a sometimes day by day or minute by minute basis.  I am grateful you are here, and alive to write about it.