Forums » Relationships in Recovery


    • 34 posts
    January 28, 2022 10:23 AM EST

    I find that the longer I stay clean and continue to work on myself a day at a time, the quality of my life improves simply due to my relationships with others. I was incredibly isolated in active addiction. Even before this pandemic we live in currently, I had no friends, no relationship with my higher power, and lived on self will. I was a miserable hermit; it showed to the fullest within my active addiction. 

    When I got clean this time, I was still pointing fingers at everyone else. I was specializing in self obsession. I only cared about myself since I was so used to living with and for myself only.

    Today, I have noticed that people actually want to be around me. I'm able to have concern for others rather than my own selfish needs. Don't get me wrong, my recovery, and my growth must come FIRST. But when I put me 1st, I am able to be less self centered, more God centered, and my life continues to improve. I am able to care for another human being today. And for that I am grateful.