Forums » Sober Rants

    • 15 posts
    February 22, 2022 9:53 PM EST
    MEDIA !!!!!!!!

    I have been in recovery most of my 60 years of life. In one form or another.

    Yes I am recently 60 years old.
    I had black and white television and free am radio.

    As I grew, we got color television and fm stereo.
    I was lucky to be near a metropolitan area where we had access to several channels. Before cable, all broadcasting was free.

    Commercials were limited, censorship was all over the top. From my young perspective; The News was limited to only what was pertinent to our well being and the good of the nation. Along with good news and happenings around our area.
    Few special reports came through and they were all connected with the Vietnam War. I remember that because my daddy was there.
    My point is in these, let's say, 50 years, it has changed drastically!!
    Don't get me wrong, I enjoy many of the changes that have occurred through this time.
    Cable, Internet, has opened us up to most every corner of the world.

    For me it is SAD, So Very Sad to see most people walking around with their faces in a screen.

    Computer Games, Social Media, News all day, Comercials, gadgets of all kinds and so very much more.

    I go to a restaurant with people, we put away our "screens" and enjoy our time with one another. Across from us a family of 6 sits down. They all have a screen, they all sit there not saying a word to each other. They eat and walk out still looking at their screens.

    I went to a meeting, most of the Newcomers on their screens. Even a few old timers. Myself and a couple others have books in hand ready for which ever topic is chosen.

    I go to help a friend and everyone in the house is on a screen, some are watching TWO.
    The news blaring, comments from those listening about it.
    Commercials one after another, comments are ooo that sounds good I want it.
    Social media, comments oh Hell No they didn't, I'm gonna.
    The gammer shouts Damn It all I should have seen that coming!
    I left with a headache that lasted through to the next day.

    My subtle point is, being in recovery has helped me to be present in the here and now. To enjoy human interaction without looking at a screen.

    For me it is another distraction to keep me from looking at myself.
    I like to watch movies, different series, music videos, interviews even educational programing.

    I learned a long time ago how little I need to know about what they call News is important to me.

    I remember the O. J. Simpson "chase" on every channel.
    Then came the Bombing of Oklahoma City.
    That made me physically ill watching and hearing what happened.

    At that moment I quit watching such programming.
    Then came 9/11, my roommates dad called because she didn't answer her phone. He said turn on the News right now and wake her up.
    I turned it on right as the second plane hit. I woke my roommate and she watched.
    I was drawn in and again sickened by it all.
    I turned off my TV and I showered and was off to work.
    I got to work and everyone was glued to a little tiny screen a customer brought in.

    I asked if I could be excused from working the front to go do paperwork; there I could listen to my CD player.
    I would check on things from time to time because there were camera's and I was watching the store. I caught more shop lifters that day. Because no one else was really doing their job, their faces were in a screen.

    To be continued .....
  • February 23, 2022 1:46 PM EST
    I totally see your point it definitely can become another form of active addiction. It can also be a great tool and resource to meet others in recovery. Have a good day :)