Understanding Short-Term Residential Treatment

Addiction treatment is the right choice for those struggling with dependencies on drugs or alcohol, but finding the right type of treatment isn’t always easy. Treatment is available in many locations and in many formats, but short-term residential treatment is undeniably one of the top choices. Before choosing any particular treatment option, explore the benefits of residential short-term treatment in addiction recovery.

The Difference Between Short and Long Term Treatment

The difference between short and long term treatment has to do with the duration of the treatment program. Typically, a short-term program will be one that lasts anywhere from 28 to 30 days. A long-term program, on the other hand, is generally something lasting 90 days or even longer.

Addiction is never something that can be fixed instantly. In order to overcome addiction once and for all, patients need to commit to a treatment plan that can include everything from detox to ongoing behavioral therapy.

Unfortunately, some subpar treatment facilities advertise rapid or quick fixes to patients. While these programs might be appealing to those eager for an instant solution, they can actually do more harm than good. Getting treatment for just a few days isn’t long enough to establish meaningful habits, and it can end up leading to relapse rather than lasting sobriety.

On the other end of the spectrum are long-term residential treatment programs that can be longer than patients need. They can lead to higher costs as well as a greater time away from loved ones and work. In addition, long-term programs may make it harder for patients to adjust to independent living and sobriety without 24/7 accountability.

Understanding Residential Addiction Treatment

In the most basic sense, residential addiction treatment is when patients seek treatment while having accommodation. Patients eat, sleep, socialize, learn and participate in therapy sessions on the premises, reducing the likelihood of relapsing and making it easier to access support or resources around the clock.

Typically, residential treatment begins with an intake assessment. This is a comprehensive evaluation of patients, and it can be an effective way for rehab centers to best cater to individual needs. A treatment intake assessment might evaluate things like physical health, the likelihood of mental health disorders or the potential for multiple addictions. It can also be a time to address any pertinent needs of patients before treatment officially begins.

Another integral element of residential treatment involves evidence-based therapies for addiction. This can include pharmacological treatment as and when it is needed and not contraindicated for patients. It can also heavily feature behavioral therapies that hope to create positive habits and disrupt negative feelings of self doubt and low self esteem. Group counseling is another evidence-based approach to the addiction treatment.

Residential treatment may also offer patients alternative therapies. It is often easier to promote these types of therapies in residential programs because the amenities will be within walking distance of patient accommodation. Alternative therapy can be things like fitness courses, yoga classes or music therapy. It can also extend to things like massage therapy or nutritional therapy in some cases.

The Benefits of Short-Term Residential Treatment

The major advantages of short-term residential treatment include a focused environment, greater accountability, a minimal disruption to everyday life, freedom for families who have been caring for those struggling with addiction and even better results in many cases.

Short-term residential treatment is a 24/7 environment for patients. Compare this to alternatives such as intensive outpatient, outpatient programs or partial hospitalization programs. While they have their place, they allow patients far more freedom, which can also mean a higher risk of relapse. A focused, around-the-clock facility for the initial stages of addiction treatment is often a good thing for patients.

The short-term aspect should also be considered. Rather than expecting prospective patients to take several months away from their families, their careers and their lives, short-term programs ask for just 30 days. This greatly minimizes how much addiction treatment will disrupt life.

Another important aspect to consider is that short-term residential treatment can offer a respite for those families and loved ones who have been heavily involved in the process. When patients are in a safe and secure environment, their loves ones can exhale and focus on their own health. When the short-term program is complete, they will be recharged and ready once again to become a support system for those struggling with addiction.

The Ideal Candidates for Short-Term Residential Addiction Treatment

Everyone dealing with addiction should seek help in the form of professional treatment. In particular, most people can benefit from short-term residential treatment. Many of the ideal candidates are those in treatment for the first time, those dealing with a particularly severe addiction or those struggling with financial, mental health or physical health issues.

Individuals who have completed multiple treatment programs, but relapsed each time, may prefer to find a new means of recovery. However, those picking treatment for the first time can achieve lasting success by committing to a 28 or 30 day residential addiction treatment program.

Addictions can vary significantly among patients. Some might have severe addictions and a lifetime of drug use behind them, while others have only recently developed a dependence on an addictive substance. Those with a severe addiction should never attempt to rehabilitate themselves, making residential treatment the only viable option in these cases.

Finally, it is important to consider health and cost. Residential treatment is comprehensive, encompassing the wide range of patient needs from mental health to physical health. In addition, short-term residential addiction treatment is often covered by major health insurance plans. This is in contrast to long-term programs, which are less likely to be covered by health insurance companies in the United States.

Residential short-term treatment has the potential to deliver lasting results for those struggling with addiction. While the exact methods and therapies available vary from one center to the next, this general program format can be incredibly successful in treating addictions.