Not All Treatment Centers are Created Equal

Since addiction is a disease, it needs to be properly treated. In the same way that cancer patients would research the best recovery centers for treatment, those struggling with addiction deserve the best possible addiction treatment programs. However, not all treatment centers are created equal. The following are some of the ways that the top facilities set themselves apart.

Complete Intake Assessment

A great treatment center starts the entire treatment process with one key step–an intake assessment. This is a general patient evaluation, and it can set the tone for the entirety of the recovery process. An intake assessment is a combination of a physical and an interview, and it is how addiction specialists can craft a custom recovery plan for patients.

To start, this assessment will ensure that patients are physically healthy enough to complete treatment. In some rare cases, patients have undiagnosed medical conditions that need immediate hospital treatment. In other cases, patients may struggle with mental illness.

The assessment will address important questions about a patient’s addiction. Key details like dosage and frequency, along with whether other substances were abused, can aid in recovery. Learning more about patients is also a great way to begin diving into the why of addiction. That, in turn, could lead to a better understanding of the factors and causes that led to the development of the addiction.

No One-Size-Fits-All Approach to Recovery

No two patients are the same. No two patients have identical medical health histories, mental health histories or addiction histories. Therefore, no two patients should expect to recover in exactly the same way.

Great treatment centers understand that. Rather than requiring patients to stick to a one-size-fits-all plan, they will allow for adjustments based on individual information and motivation.

Some patients may thrive with a emphasis on family therapy, for example. Having family members create a support network can be fantastic. However, those without close family members obviously can’t benefit. Instead, they may benefit from 12 step programs and establishing a relationship with a mentor.

Resources Available for Dual Diagnosis and Trauma Therapy

Addiction is a physical illness to some extent, but it is also a psychological disorder. In many cases, the root cause of addiction is mental illness or a history of trauma. It is impossible to ignore these facts when treating an addiction. Any quality treatment center knows that and will focus on mental health during recovery.

Dual diagnosis treatment is treating mental illness and addiction simultaneously. This way, patients can start to make progress on their sobriety without ignoring their all-important mental health. After all, undiagnosed or untreated mental illness can quickly result in relapse. For that reason, it can’t be ignored during addiction treatment.

A history of trauma can also be a stumbling block for those struggling with addiction. The trauma needs to be uncovered and resolved so that patients can move on with their lives. Through behavioral therapy, patients find it easier to regain strength and handle emotions appropriately. All of this can make it easier to retain sobriety after rehab is over.

Variety of Treatment Program Options

Another way that high-quality treatment centers set themselves apart is by offering a range of treatment programs for prospective patients. Some thrive in a 24/7 environment, and others would rather stay with family and make the most of therapy during the day.

Having a variety of treatment programs also means that patients can work their way through several levels of recovery. For example, it is common to start with residential treatment. This is a 24/7 approach that works very well for many.

After residential care, patients can move to something like a partial hospitalization program. This is a step down that brings patients closer to independent living. Finally, they can transition to an intensive outpatient program. This helps people to stay on track while living their lives, spending time with family or even going to school.

Comprehensive Approach to Recovery

Recovering from an addiction is more than just physically treating the symptoms of addiction. It requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses the physical, emotional, mental and behavioral needs of each and every patient. Top addiction specialists know and understand this, and will incorporate it into the treatment programs.

Some patients will thrive in group therapy. This might help them feel less alone, and it can be a great confidence booster. Others, however, might feel too vulnerable in group settings. For them, more one-on-one therapy is crucial.

Some patients will boost serotonin in the brain with regular exercise. Others might prefer to participate in art or music therapy. These holistic approaches absolutely have a place in treatment. They can develop passions, offer fulfillment and provide a release for stress.

Emphasis on Aftercare and Relapse Prevention

There is no magic pill that can cure an addiction. Even after rehab is over, patients will have to continue to work toward maintaining their sobriety. The risk of relapse is always a concern. However, a focus on aftercare can help to prevent relapse in the future.

The best way to prevent relapse is to learn coping mechanisms. The best addiction treatment centers will focus on this throughout the program. Coping mechanisms are healthy, effective and personalized ways to deal with stress and overcome cravings. These mechanisms may include calling a friend, exercising, taking a nap or cooking and eating a favorite meal.

Driven by Success Rates Rather Than by Profit

In an ideal world, every treatment center would be 100 percent focused on the needs of patients. In reality, many treatment centers operate in order to make money. However, some of the best programs are non-profit. This ensures that recovery, not profit, is the ultimate goal.

Staff at non-profit treatment centers may be more compassionate to patients. There may also be less of a rush to get patients out the door, and more of a focus on true, lasting recovery.

Clearly, not all treatment centers are the same. Knowing how to differentiate can make it easier for prospective patients, as well as their loved ones, to zero in on the best possible program for recovery.