A Quality Treatment Program Should Include These Things

Breaking free from addiction can be tough, but a quality addiction treatment program is the ultimate resource. While it isn’t hard to find a variety of drug addiction treatment options, it can be much tougher to find the best one. A quality treatment program should always include an on-site detox program, 24/7 medical support, aftercare options, addiction therapy and a holistic approach to recovery.

Availability of On-Site Detox

The first step on the road to addiction treatment is detox. Detox is the time when patients break their physical dependence on drugs or alcohol. This is a difficult process, and there are some health risks that have to be monitored. That’s why all prospective patients should look for a treatment program that offers on-site detox.

All too often, the recovery process is seen as two parts–detox and rehab. Unfortunately, many patients get through detox and feel ready to take on everyday life on their own. There is a false sense of security that comes with newfound sobriety and it can often lead to relapse.

Patients will have an advantage if they can transition seamlessly from detox to rehab, remaining in the same place. A treatment program that offers detox right on the premises allows patients to stay put while they receive all the care and support they might need. It also reduces the risk of patients leaving recovery as soon as detox is over. The longer patients continue the recovery process, the lower their chance of relapse.

24/7 Care and Support

A quality addiction treatment program should have around the clock support and care. There are many reasons why patients might need attention and that extends beyond normal working hours. It is critical that even in the middle of the night, there is trained staff who can react to ordinary as well as emergency situations.

During drug or alcohol detox, patients require 24/7 medical monitoring and support. As they transition to rehab or addiction treatment, there may be fewer medical risks. As a result, most patients will need far less medical attention. Nonetheless, there are both medical and psychological reasons to keep staff around at all times.

Some patients experience serious anxiety, depression, paranoia or even suicidal thoughts during addiction treatment. These symptoms aren’t scheduled, and they are actually more likely to happen during downtimes like the middle of the night. Rather than requiring patients to suffer from these conditions in silence, a quality treatment center will offer support around the clock.

If patients have questions or need to talk, there should be an able-bodied professional available. There should also always be a medical professional on the premises as well as a physician on call to react or respond to more severe medical concerns.

Addiction Therapy

One of the most effective, evidence-based strategies to target addiction is therapy. While there are many different types of therapy available, talk therapy may be the most common and the most powerful. A quality treatment program should offer a variety of addiction therapies and the therapy sessions should be a regular part of each patient’s schedule.

One-on-one therapy is a critical part of the recovery process. This intimate counseling allows patients to open up and be vulnerable. Many patients can start to address the root causes of addiction or they can tap into past trauma and resolve it. Patients will also get undivided attention, which is a great reminder of their value and importance.

Behavioral therapy is also a common tool in addiction treatment. In cognitive behavioral therapy, patients learn how to identify negative behaviors and avoid them in the future. In dialectical behavioral therapy, patients can improve their coping skills as well as how they respond to emotional issues.

Most quality programs will also offer group therapy. The group dynamic is a great way to socialize with peers who are in a similar situation. It can also address issues like isolation or loneliness and it is a means of relearning social cues and communication.

A Holistic Approach to Recovery

There is no quick fix or miracle cure for the disease of addiction. Every reputable, high-quality addiction treatment center will understand this. The best way to combat addiction and embrace a lifetime of recovery is with a comprehensive, holistic approach. This means including a wide range of therapies and treatment methods for total health and wellness.

Many of these approaches involve ways to relieve stress in a healthy way. Yoga and meditation, for example, can boost circulation, focus breathing and bring down blood pressure. Other forms of physical exercise such as hiking or swimming can also achieve similar goals.

A holistic approach to recovery is a way of recognizing that there is no pill or medication that can end the struggles of addiction. Recovery is more than just physical health. It is fulfillment, psychological health and the ability to live a meaningful, happy life. Great treatment centers are willing to try new methods of treatment and customize recovery plans so that every patient gets the support they need.

Aftercare Options

When patients leave addiction treatment, they still need access to resources and support. Recovery may be a lifelong process and treatment centers should make that very clear to all patients. That way, patients can start to prepare for life after rehab. Aftercare options may be available through quality treatment centers.

Aftercare preparation can be as simple as developing personal coping mechanisms during therapy. These mechanisms can be used in stressful or tempting moments and they can be the difference between maintaining sobriety and falling victim to relapse.

Aftercare might also mean recommendations for future therapy to continue the progress already made in treatment. Some patients also benefit from alumni programs, which allow them to stay in touch with their peers from treatment.

Not all addiction treatment programs are the same. This guide can help prospective patients, as well as their loved ones, narrow down the many options and choose the right program for lifelong health, happiness, and sobriety.