What to Expect From a Residential Treatment Program

Many of us would love if there was a quick, one-size-fits-all cure for addiction. Unfortunately, such a thing doesn’t exist. Instead, a variety of treatment programs, including inpatient and residential care, provide lasting recovery. Take a closer look to learn what to expect from a residential treatment program.

Comprehensive Intake Assessment

It’s normal to be anxious about residential treatment. Most treatment programs begin with an intake assessment, which is the opportunity to learn more about individual patients. During your assessment, it’s important to put your mind at ease and ask questions about your recovery.

Additionally, doctors and nurses may collect vital pieces of medical information. In some cases, they might ask about family medical history. By doing this, the staff is aware of any potential health risks and allergies.

An intake assessment is your opportunity to discuss your drug and alcohol abuse history. The more detailed you can be, the better. The information you share is the basis for your treatment plan, so it’s important to be honest.

Regular Group Therapy

Most residential treatment programs place emphasis on group therapy. This is because it serves as an excellent way to share experiences, improve communication skills, and learn from peers. Group therapy also helps with feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Recovering from addiction can feel lonely, even if you have supportive friends and family members. It’s easy to feel like no one understands your recovery. In group therapy, you’ll be surrounded by peers going through nearly identical situations.

Group therapy explores common recovery topics as well. All participants have the chance to share their experiences and learn from others. The process also teaches patients how to communicate clearly and socialize with others without the influence of dangerous substances.

Focus on the 12-Step Philosophy

There are many recovery strategies that work. The 12-Step philosophy is the most common. Just like the name suggests, it’s a 12-step plan that helps patients achieve lasting sobriety.

The most common way to implement the 12-Step plan is with daily meetings. These act as opportunities to share, and resemble group therapy sessions. However, some meetings include talks led by recovering addicts or mark special milestones for participants. Patients are encouraged to stick with the 12 Steps for the duration of their recovery, even after residential treatment has ended.

Frequent Individual Therapy or Counseling Sessions

While group therapy and 12-Step meetings are invaluable addiction treatment methods, individual therapy is crucial. These one-on-one sessions help patients become vulnerable, share their history, and delve into the roots of their addiction.

Often, treatment includes behavioral therapy. Both cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy target obstacles preventing full recovery. Therapy explores trauma history as well, helping patients resolve past issues.

Weekly individual sessions allow you to get custom support and help. It’s normal to have questions and apprehensions about the recovery process. However, with a trained therapist, you’ll be able to ask questions and receive targeted advice about your personal journey.

Spiritual Development Opportunities

The 12-Step philosophy contains an element of spirituality. It’s important to note that religion isn’t necessary for recovery. However, many residential treatment programs introduce patients to spirituality.

Spiritual development can be based on religion, but it doesn’t have to be. Some patients begin by doing yoga. Others discover mindfulness and meditation. These calming, inspirational exercises help you fight for lifelong sobriety and discover newfound freedom.

Fitness and Recreation Facilities

Residential treatment programs typically take place in closed facilities. This means that drugs and alcohol aren’t allowed in, and you’re unable to come and go as you please. Nonetheless, treatment isn’t punishment. In between therapy sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to use the fitness and recreational facilities.

Fitness is enjoyable and offers a number of therapeutic benefits. Exercise boosts self-confidence, increases circulation, and releases endorphins. It also has the potential to become a regular routine, motivating patients to care about their physical health.

Experiential therapies include fun recreational activities. These may be working with horses, taking an art class, or participating in a ropes course adventure.

Relapse Prevention Education

Relapse affects more than half of those who receive addiction treatment. Fortunately, this means most residential treatment programs place emphasis on relapse prevention. You can expect frequent support and preparation to prevent relapse from occurring.

Relapse prevention includes recommendations for ongoing support. The full continuum of care prepares each patient for the next step of recovery. Relapse prevention also includes coping mechanisms for triggers, temptations, and stressful situations that lead to addictive behavior.

Medical Support

A key part of residential treatment is 24/7 support. During the first stages of recovery, namely detox, medical assistance is required. Even in the weeks and months that follow, medical care is a priority.

Addiction negatively impacts your health, and staying sober is the best way to fight back. However, it also causes lingering health issues that need to be addressed. During treatment, these issues get the attention they deserve.

If you’re serious about overcoming an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you need professional support. A residential treatment program offers 24/7 support, putting you on the path to lifelong recovery.