Links Provided by AA

Hello!  We have been receiving a lot of questions as to whether or not meetings are physically being held. We do not have contact with individual meetings so I do not know which ones are being held and which ones are not.

I will say that AA is pushing for people to attend meetings online for safety reasons, as well as for those in remote locations with access to effective substance abuse treatment options.  They did provide me with the following links to share –

  • AA Online Intergroup (Many languages, many countries, access to A.A. members staying sober around the world.)
  • Meeting Guide App  (Contact icon -local A.A. resources based on current location. Can enter a city or postal code of interest to find most A.A. resources of that area)
  • U.S. & Canada – A.A. Resources  – A.A. committees are available to answer questions and share their experiences with alcoholism and recovery in the A.A. program.
  • Other Countries – AA Resources – Similar to the US and Canadian G.S.O. other countries have autonomous Service offices and are available to share their experiences with alcoholism and recovery in the A.A. program.

Also, don’t forget that NA has:

Hope this helps!