Happy Holidays from Sober Network!


The year started with little fanfare but much anticipation. We spent resources updating all the software of our various platforms and focusing on our newest project, the Sober Podcast. Momentum is growing and listeners were demanding new content. The Sober Network is determined to carve out leadership in our niche.

Kerry, our now producer started as host and soon found a professional voice in Howie Marlin. His professionalism pushed us to improve. We soon outgrow him to find our current host, Jamie Brickhouse. Jamie is a published author and professional book editor who is heavily invested in “giving voice to recovery.” 

Our coach training platform thrived, making inroads into the criminal justice system in Idaho. We have our second and third classes starting to train peer coaches in the newly created Forensics Coach model of prisoners assisting prisoners.

Sobercoin thrived under the leadership of James Costello. We moved from the Stellar blockchain onto the Binance Network, pegging the value of Sobercoin to a stable crypto currency with a proven track record. It is holding near $5.00 earned through signing up and checking in daily on our SoberSystems App.

We have users earning with the intent to buy coaching services or training to be a coach. Participants gain the opportunity for trading their Sobercoin for educational modules and services. 

No other platform has created their own SOBER ECONOMY!

Only in the SOBERVERSE can you earn RECOVERY CAPITAL, it is the place to get and stay better!!

Administrative Department: Heather Oister

Hello!  The last few years have definitely changed the world and how we all live our lives.  Our social habits were altered and the way we interact with the world has changed.  Some agencies haven’t even returned to working in the office and still have people working from home.  However, even if we do not leave the house, people still need help with recovering from addictions, disabilities, emotions, mental health issues, and more!  This creates an interesting opportunity for the increase in needs of help from home.  It is a great time to seek out the help of a Recovery Coach or become one yourself!

Sober Network has been providing online Recovery Coaching (or Sober Coaching) education for years now and we are just getting started!  Recently, we have received an influx in coaching education requests from various parts of the United States, inside prisons and even a few foreign countries!  Exciting changes are coming about, and Sober Network is evolving to meet the demands.  Our newest educational course is The Forensics Peer Specialist Prep Course.  (You did read that right earlier by the way.  We have put education in the hands of inmates to give them a career path when they exit the prison system.  How cool is that?)

And, as always, AJ has been busy making tons of biscuits sending smiles and hope to those who need it.  Thanks for a great 2022 and here is to an even better 2023!  May we all take a moment to be thankful for what we have and live in the moment with gratitude.  

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Social Media Manager: Crissy Sinople

It’s that time of year! Time to reflect on the year that was and look at our social media performance. Here at Sober Network, we are proud to say we saw significant increases across the board. Here’s a rundown of how we helped people on our social media platforms this year.

Helped cultivate each platform to increase engagement: We want people in recovery to know that they’re not alone and that a supportive community is waiting for them online. That is why we prioritize posting engaging, creative, and on-brand content and staying active in comments and conversations. We also work hard to create a safe and welcoming space for everyone.

Met expected goals: Our number one goal is always to help as many people as possible, and we are proud to say that we met all our goals this year. From increasing our followers to aiding people in finding resources for addiction treatment, we made a difference in the lives of countless people.

Helped the sober community: One of my favorite parts of this job is interacting with the sober community online. I love seeing people celebrate their sobriety milestones, sharing their stories of recovery, and offering support and encouragement to others. I feel privileged to be a part of this community, and we look forward to continuing to grow it in the years ahead.

Successful promotion of our SoberVerse rewards program: SoberVerse offers a rewards program designed to incentivize people in recovery to stay engaged with our site and active in their recovery. This year, we promoted the program extensively on social media and are thrilled with the results. I am excited to see even more growth in the year ahead.

Helped people find addiction resources for treatment facilities: One of our main goals at Sober Network is to make available resources for addiction treatment. This year, we promoted our directory of treatment facilities and connected people in need with resources they might not have otherwise been able to access. We are proud of the difference we made this year and look forward to continuing this work in the years ahead.

It has been a fantastic year here at Sober Network, and I am grateful for everything we have accomplished as a team. Be sure to follow us on all our social media platforms so you get all the announcements and updates!

I wish you a happy holiday and a prosperous new year. See you in 2023!

Crypto Manager: James Costello

Over the past few years, we have been constantly tweaking Sobercoin to develop the best recovery-based currency currently available. When I started, we were still utilizing the Stellar Network. We tested and modified the token countless times on the Stellar network. We did a few airdrop campaigns to try to maximize engagement with the community. At the time, Stellar did not have AMM’s (Automated Market Makers). Due to this, we could not efficiently maintain order book flow. AMM’s allow for two parties to swap into and out of different crypto’s without the need for a traditional order book.

We decided it was best to move the entire project back over to ERC20 standards created and reissued the token on the Binance Smart Chain. We then created a liquidity pool for potential clients and customers to be able to easily access the tokens. AMM’s and the matching algorithm allows for quick swaps with low slippage.

Next, we began to educate people about decentralized wallets and how to access the tokens. We actively engaged with CoinGecko and CMP to have our token listed. We have been able to successfully manage the move and have been slowly integrating clients to our wallet.

Sobercoin continues to grow. We will continue to build out our existing blockchain to fit the needs of our customers. Currently, we are working with smaller exchanges to get to the bigger ones. We are working on a way now that may allow us to offer promotions directly at time of token sale.

Brand Engagement: Michael Ewing

We started putting together the Sober Network several years ago. It started very slowly as we built the foundation and then the individual pillars of the network. Then, we deployed each one as we learned and evolved. Finally, we were testing how to integrate it all into one powerful network. The goal is to build an integrated network that combines practical behavioral tools with technology and engagement. All this is to drive better outcomes by advancing the current protocols using new modern technology platforms that align with how people today communicate and engage. In 2022, we saw the efforts paying off and the network coming together into a truly integrated program. The Sober Network Brand Vision is coming to life, ready to make a real difference in the lives of many. 2023 here we come!

Sober Podcast Host: Jamie Brickhouse

A jumbo gift of 2022 is a life beyond my wildest dreams as host of Sober Podcast. Back when I was drinking, I did have a wild dream that I’d be host of TV talk show or at least conduct a radio gabfest. But those dreams were commonplace, not wild. I couldn’t have conjured my current lucky lot in life interviewing writers, electricians, artists, lawyers, fashion designers, ex-cons, business owners about their recovery journeys. The guests I flap jaws with weekly have opened my eyes to recovery in all its permutations and knowing that it’s opened the ears to all our listeners is an even greater gift of 2022. 

Recovery Coaching: Stephanie Weiss

We are delighted to announce the addition of wellness entrepreneur Stephanie Weiss to our team. She is currently working towards a Master of Science in addiction studies; Stephanie is fresh on the scene and ready to take action. Under the supervision of Dr. Harold Jonas PhD, she is acting as a clinical intern. Stephanie is excited to use this position as an opportunity to learn from and contribute to the ever-growing and impactful Sober Network. 

Director of Sales and Marketing: Kerry Donahue 

The marketing department has been an exciting journey this year! Our growth has been tremendous, and I will be forever grateful for the growth we’ve achieved as a team. 

On the sales front, we’ve partnered with Beond, Cleveland House, and have worked with some sponsored submissions on our Sober.com blog throughout the year. 

We hired Crissy Sinople – our Social Media Manager who has brought a tremendous amount of skill and help to our social media reach. Our numbers have consistently grown over the year on all platforms, and we have had the pleasure of getting to work with many of our followers through various outlets such as our Sober Podcast, our Recovery Coach program, and through marketing aspects via Sober.com. 

Finding our Soberlebrity Host, Jamie Brickhouse has been a marvelous addition to the Sober Podcast. He is an absolute delight and executes his tasks professionally while bringing an award-winning personality to our show. It has been an honor to work with such an accomplished author, actor, and TikTok extraordinaire! 

As the producer of the Sober Podcast, I’ve had the opportunity to initiate the new format for our Sober Podcast! Please tune in to hear our new How To format on maintaining sobriety through various real-life events. We have started achieving great success with our Google placement ranking 2nd on the 1st page with our SEO efforts. 

We have had many outstanding additions to our team this year including Melissa Peña our blog writer. It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know and work with everyone who has made a difference for Sober Network and the addiction industry worldwide. 

Thank you to all who have supported our many projects in 2022. We look forward to bringing you more of ‘All Things Sober’ in the upcoming year.

Follow Us!

IG: @sobervers, @sobercoin, @soberdotcom

Twitter: @soberverse, @soberdotcom

FB: https://www.facebook.com/sober.com3216, https://www.facebook.com/SoberVerse, https://www.facebook.com/Sobercoin 

TikTok: @soberverse

Linked In: SoberVerse

Sober Network Sites

www.SoberNetwork.com – Welcome to the Sober Network! A family of all things sober.

www.Sobercoin.com – Start earning rewards with the 1st crypto currency of recovery! Get involved, maintain accountability, and work your way towards obtaining goals.

www.RecoveryCoaches.com – Get a coach, be a coach! We have 24/7 online virtual courses available to work towards being a recovery coach and a network of certified coaches nationwide.

www.SoberPodcast.com – Sign up for our mailing list to get weekly releases of the hottest addiction podcast available! Tune in to hear people working towards sobriety and sharing their message of hope with our amazing host, award-winning author Jamie Brickhouse out of NYC!

www.Sober.com – our well established online directory of resources to help those in need. Search facilities and providers specializing in addiction recovery.

www.SoberSystems.com – Our award-winning technology rewards app. Earn rewards (Sobercoin) by maintaining accountability and reach out to others in recovery.

www.SoberVerse.com/community – a FREE interactive social media platform. Share your thoughts, feeling, pictures, and much more with like-minded people. It’s a SAFE space for SOBER!

More sites for All Things Sober: BabyBoomerAddictions.com, ChristianRehabs.com, DuallyDiagnosed.com, EatingDisorderRehab.com, ExecutiveRehabs.com, ExclusiveRehabs.com, FaithBasedRehabs.com, Soberlebrity.net, SoberHouses.com, & HalfwayHouses.com.