Fighting America’s Opioid Crisis

According to the National Center for Health Statistics (2019)  there were over 70,000 deaths from drug overdoses with over 50,000 of those deaths being opiate related. The nation is experiencing an opioids epidemic which can be combatted by finding help in a residential rehab facility. America is so lucky to now have more drug treatment…

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Coping with Opiate Withdrawal

Coping with Opiate Withdrawal

Making it Through an Opiate Withdrawal As many as three million Americans struggle with opioid addiction. Whether the addiction revolves around prescription medications or heroin, combatting the addiction has to include detox. During detox, the body will go into withdrawal, which can be accompanied by some unpleasant symptoms. Make it through opiate withdrawal with professional…

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The Rising Abuse of Opiates

The Rising Abuse of Opiates

Opiates are a class of drug derived from the opium plant, and they are extensively used medically to treat pain. Opiates come in many forms ranging from legitimate prescription painkillers to illegal substances like heroin. Regardless of the form they take, opiates bring with them many risks and the strong possibility of addiction. It’s important…

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The Incredible Dangers of Painkiller Addiction

The Incredible Dangers of Painkiller Addiction

The rise of painkiller addiction in America is one of the biggest concerns for the country today. Unlike many other drugs, painkillers can and should be used in a medical capacity, but they can also have addictive and destructive properties. Education and treatment are the keys to preventing painkiller addiction and helping those struggling with…

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