The Perks Of Entering Substance Abuse Treatment

Figuring out how to stop using addictive substances can be challenging. People often get into addiction troubles by themselves, so they may believe it’s easier to approach addiction recovery alone (which it isn’t). Other people who want help have to sift through information and suggestions given by medical professionals, people who went through addiction recovery already, and people who haven’t gone through any treatment but are desperate to help those that need to go through the recovery process.

No matter what approach someone struggling with addiction wants to take, they should seriously consider entering substance abuse treatment. Although other options might sound more comfortable or helpful, people who enter and stick with professional addiction treatment have a far better chance at lasting sobriety than those who try to handle it on their own. That’s because treatment centers are designed with various ideas in mind, all of which add to the recovery experience that clients must have in order to succeed.

Addiction Treatment Centers Understand Substance Abuse Problems

The staff members that treatment centers hire play a large role in client recovery. Since they interact with clients on a daily basis, what they know, what they teach, and how they support clients can have an enormous influence on the recovery process. Both doctors and people who understand addiction help clients in different ways.

The medical staff at treatment centers are there to assist with health concerns. In the first few weeks, especially during the detoxing period, it’s important for clients to feel emotionally and physically stable or they’ll turn back to substance abuse. Doctors help by meeting with clients to discuss their physical and mental states and prescribe medications as needed. At some treatment centers, that service extends beyond detoxing and continues through the entire treatment process.

Balancing medical care with support from trained individuals who understand substance abuse is very important. While feeling healthy and stable is necessary to get through treatment, it’s what clients learn during treatment that impacts their lives the most. Working with individuals who understand addiction enables clients to learn where their own addiction problems came from, how to cope with future triggers and cravings, and how to maintain healthy habits once they’ve left addiction treatment.

Treatment Centers Only Incorporate Programs That Work

Loved ones and friends will sometimes suggest ideas and programs to those struggling with addiction that just don’t work. They may mean well, but if those suggestions are taken, it could cost people their sobriety. Clients in treatment centers are less likely to have that problem because the programs they are in have been taken by others in the past and have been proven to help people recovering from substance abuse problems.

Many treatment centers only provide evidence-based programs to their clients. These programs usually focus on behavioral and medical problems that stand between a client and his or her sobriety. Counseling, group therapy, and dual diagnosis treatment highlight what these treatment centers usually offer.

Other centers will combine these traditional programs with holistic ones. Along with going through programs that help the mind and body, they can go through ones that help the spirit as well. Creating a balance between the mind, body, and spirit can help clients learn how to cope with the world without turning to substance abuse. Holistic approaches to treatment aren’t usually backed by scientific evidence. As a result, addiction treatment centers that provide these holistic approaches combine them with more traditional evidence-based approaches to recovery.

When Are Clients Ready For The Next Step In Treatment?

There are many phases involved in addiction treatment. People who first start treatment are likely to enter a detoxing program or an inpatient rehabilitation program. After they’ve been in treatment for a while, clients will be able to move into an outpatient program, which grants them more freedom and enables them to integrate back into society while still enrolled in addiction treatment. Once they’re ready, clients can then leave treatment and only go to aftercare programs as wanted or needed.

How long clients stay in a detoxing or inpatient program varies. While it’s recommended people live in an addiction treatment facility for at least two months, it can be longer depending on what clients were addicted to, how long they were addicted to it, and how much they took each time they used. The staff members working at addiction treatment centers can help determine when clients are ready for the next stage of treatment. Since they’ve seen other clients go through the same stages in the past, they can use their knowledge and experience to determine when newer clients are ready and help them transition into the next stage of treatment.

Clients can stay in a stage of treatment longer that necessary if they feel like they’re not ready to transition. Staff members will never kick clients out of treatment before they’re prepared to leave. There will be some resistance if clients try to push to get into the next stage before doctors and other staff think they’re ready. Finding the balance between what clients want and what doctors believe they need is important.

Seeking Treatment For Substance Abuse Is The Best Option For Anyone Wanting A Sober Life

While there are many recovery options available for people struggling with addiction, nothing works quite as well as addiction treatment. Addiction treatment centers provide clients with evidence-based programs led by staff members that understand addiction and are willing to work directly with every person in their programs. In addition, treatment centers hire doctors who help clients maintain their emotional and physical stability so they can get the most out of their treatment.

Finding the right way to start treatment for substance abuse can be a challenge. However, entering addiction treatment and working with trained staff members can give individuals the best chance they have at sobriety.