Substance Abuse Statistics

Lately, I have been watching people I love who are in recovery slip back into their old habits. It is sad to watch the ones you love slip away. Since my recovery, I watched seven lose their lives and tons fall. Some that fall come back quickly, realizing this is not what they wanted, whereas…

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Addiction Recovery Centers

addiction rehab

Are you struggling with your recovery? Let me say there are several options for you if you struggle at home. There are rehabs, sober living, and detox facilities. I want to speak to you first about the drug treatment facility I personally attended. The facility is a residential treatment program. In this program, they offer…

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New Year, New You!

new year, new you!

Did you bring in the New Year sober or addicted? This year I brought in the New Year sober and with my kids. Enjoying these little moments was the most breathtaking experience. Let me stop and say addiction ate up my life. My addiction caused me to miss holidays, school events, doctor appointments, and days…

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Stigma Behind Addiction

drug addiction

I recently had a run-in with a person who has no idea what addiction is and what addiction does to families. I was called a junkie, and I am far from this. Sometimes I find that individuals with no family who went through addiction or themselves tend to push the word stigma around more. Stigma…

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Life After Rehab: What’s Next?

life after rehab

Rebuilding your life after rehab can be challenging, so take the necessary steps to help you start fresh. Recovering does not just require you to quit your addiction, you’ll also need to change your habits, mindset, and social circles as well. After rehabilitation, almost everything will require change. Gathering a support network, getting your finances…

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Holidays & Relapse

When I think about the holidays, I think of stressful situations with family, other people, or money. Last year, I thought I had it made; I had just made it three years sober from my drug of choice. First, I became complacent in my recovery, hanging with unhealthy people, and pushing God out of the…

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Adolescents and Fentanyl

adolescents and fentanyl abuse

Going to a seminar this week, I heard about the number of adolescents falling to a plummeting death because of Fentanyl. Fentanyl has become the new drug on the streets. The synthetic opioid is made to look like oxycontin but is put into other drugs in your area. Fentanyl can be added to heroin, methamphetamine,…

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Addiction Vs. Recovery

recovery road

How did you realize you were an addict? I met a game warden who searched my car. His words were to tell my dealer to stop selling me drugs, or I would lose everything I worked for. A year later, I was in the process of losing my home, my car was undrivable, CPS was…

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Addiction and its Effects on Pregnancy

addiction and pregnancy

When I was pregnant the last time, I was in a full-blown addiction. I was more worried about getting my next fix than the unborn child in my stomach. I was in a self-destructive mode and was not concerned with the growing baby. I had no idea what my addiction was causing my unborn baby.…

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Homelessness and Addiction

Today we are going to talk about how homelessness affects people with addiction. I have been a part of this stage of my life just as crowds of people in this world. It is really a tough situation especially when your mental stage of life is gone. A lot of times it starts at childhood…

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